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Saturday, April 24, 2010


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Hi guys
Wunderman Chile launched an mobil App for NESCAFE.cl. We are extending the interactive users experiencie to the street. This mobil app is connecting to the Brand social network (nescafe.cl). We are making a media channel of brand, earned media, and the consumers are dialoging in mobil too.

Wherever you are, nescafe.cl helps you find your best event or tip.
Nescafe.cl launches an innovative and free tool for your community, who may discover through mobile phones with Android and Iphone3GS, the essential tips and events around him.

This is an application created by digital agency Wunderman Chile. With it, users of the community may, from their mobile phones, tips and events to discover places that are up to 5 km radius.

Downloading and activating the mobile application, may point the camera in your cell phone in one direction, and deployed mobile data and events that are in this direction or near the place where they are.

If you want to search for data related to "music", just enter the word, aim the camera cell phone and the screen will be deployed locations with results, linkable with all the information.

The application is free and discharged from mobile phones into Apple Store or Android Market.
More information

Oh *, I hope you have a lucky day * every day

oh so funny* Everything is lively and lovely

Loosen up! It's not worth getting upset about.

Thinking ahead!
it make our work more interesting.

*People are always telling you what to do, but what's right for them may not be right for you.

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