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Wednesday, September 02, 2009


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@margie thank you for this post. These numbers are eye opening considering the demand and hype.

Apple does not define the mobile space, however their press machine does. Since this channel is so fragmented is their a way to finding the right handsets (and or carriers in the US)to create a mass distribution channel?

These numbers seem to indicate that there is a strong brand value play going on here.

Great question. In a post earlier this year, I drilled down on the global numbers (http://www.iwundernyc.com/weblog/2009/08/the-untapped-potential-of-mobile-apps-marketing.html).

As for US, recent #s show RIM far in the lead with 52% share of smart phone market (http://www.informationweek.com/news/personal_tech/smartphones/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=219400707)

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